Captain’s Blog


let and var: Constantly Updating

In Swift, we store data values in constants and variables that are identified by the let keyword, for constants, and the var keyword, for variables.  When you declare a variable with a let, you are required to provide a value at creation. A var does not require to have a value upon creation but if it is provided, it can be updated later without failure. Constant objects Let’s say we create instances of a struct and…

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Classes and Structs

When planning out a build of any kind, its important to understand the elements on which the structure will be built on. This helps identify different components, how they work according to the blue print, and what their purpose is when it comes to the build. In regards to building an iOS app, these elements consist of classes and structs.  Classes and structs are the basing building blocks of an iOS app. They provide the…

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About me

Ahoy world!

Hi! Ahoy! Avast! Welcome to Set Sail Swift, a weekly-ish blog about all things iOS development.  Quick note about me: I’m a iOS developer with 6-7 years of experience(depending on I’m feeling haha). While I have a good tenure in my career, I have countless times where I did not have the greatest confidence in my skill set. This is in part due to working on projects, learning new concepts, then almost forgetting a good…

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